How To Straighten Fishing Line For Crafts

Fishing line can be used in various crafts, but it sometimes needs to be straightened first. Without straightening the line, it will become hard to work with or take on strange shapes. We looked into this to find the most effective methods of accomplishing this tricky task!

There are many methods to straightening fishing line. 

The steps for the most common method are:

  1. Tie the fishing line around a firm object, like a tree
  2. Walk backward, keeping the line taut.
  3. Pull back a few times before walking back and releasing the tension.

However, there are many other methods, like using heat or water, to relax the fishing line.

We did the research and boiled it down to three good options for straightening fishing line and some ways you can use it in crafts.

Messy tangled fishing line for crafting, How To Straighten Fishing Line For Crafts

How To Straighten Fishing Line

Fishing line usually has "memory," so even if you are using it right off the spool, it is important to straighten it. Most methods involve heat or water because that relaxes the line.

There are several straightening methods, but we researched and found some of the most common ones.

Walk Back Method

This is probably the most common method for straightening your fishing line. Tie the fishing line on one end to a sturdy object like a tree, branch, or pole.

Once you are sure the line is secure, keep the line taught as you walk backward. This method may not straighten as well as the other methods but is good in a pinch.

Another drawback of this method is the potential of wasting line. Be careful to keep the fishing line from getting tangled as you tie it and as you walk back. This method works best with nylon line.

Board Method

One way to straighten the fishing line involves using a wooden board and a blow-drier. A piece of sturdy cardboard works too) This is probably one of the easiest methods as long as you have the supplies.

To straighten the fishing line, wrap it taught around the board and blow-dry it. This should relax the nylon fibers and straighten the line.

This is a great method if you are planning to make jewelry. If you know how long you want the line, you can measure and easy cut while the line is on the straightening board.


You can technically iron fishing line to make it straight. However, if you iron for too long or use steam, the line may melt and ruin your iron and ironing board.

This method is simple but risky. If you plan to use this method, consider using an old iron and ironing board rather than your good one. Once you have done it successfully a few times and found the "sweet spot," you should be good to go.

How to Prevent Fishing Line from Twisting

When crafting with fishing line, try not to work with more than a few feet. If you try working for an especially long piece, you will be more likely to get tangles or knots.

If you find your fishing line to be hard to work with, try putting it in water. This will make the line easier to work with and help straighten it.

When storing fishing line, make sure to store it in a cool, dry place away from direct light. Too much humidity or sunlight can make the line brittle. In addition to preventing tangles, this will help keep the line in good condition.

Can You Use Used Fishing Line For Crafts?

Yes, you can use used fishing lines for crafts. However, it may not be easy. You also need to be careful that the line is in good condition.

Before using a used fishing line in a craft, double-check for damage. Especially check for discoloration and make sure the line is still strong. If the line was used in a heavy-duty fishing trip, it might be hard to salvage.

An extremely tangled line is usually very difficult to undo. If you are having trouble, try soaking the line in the water, this relaxes the line.

If you still cannot undo the tangles, it is usually best to use sections and throw the unsalvagable line.

What Fishing Line Is Best For Crafts?

Many times in craft stores, you can mind "monofilament nylon," which is mostly a fancy way to say single thread fishing line. It is classic and still the most common and cheapest fishing line to find.

Monofilament also absorbs water, which makes the line relax. So keep that in mind if you are crafting anything involving water.

In general, monofilament is the kind of fishing line you want for crafting.

Click here to view this fishing line on Amazon.

Standard microfilament is usually rated for 5 pounds or higher. When buying crafting microfilament, try looking for poundage. This will give you a better idea of how strong the line is.

Click here to check out this illusion monofilament on Amazon.

A braided line is another good fishing line option for crafting. Braided line usually has a higher pound test and is thicker. If you are doing some heavy-duty crafting braided line may be a good option for you.

Click here to see this braided line on Amazon.

Standard fishing line comes in a variety of colors. When buying fishing line, consider what you want to craft with it. In general, the best colors to get are white or clear. However, using a different colored fishing line is a nice way to add a pop of color and make your crafts unique.

Other kinds of fishing line include Fluorocarbon and Copolymer lines. In general, it is best to stick with mono fishing line because of its versatility.

What Crafts Can You Make With Fishing Line?

Possibly the most popular thing to make with fishing line is jewelry, especially necklaces and bracelets.

Mobiles and other hanging crafts are other popular options for using fishing line. You can even use fishing line and glass together to make a beautiful wind chime.

Bead weaving is a unique style of craft you do with some fishing line. Braided fishing line is usually best for bead weaving since it is alright if you see the line.

You can even use it to make a vast variety of wind chimes. You can use some fishing line with nearly anything to make a lovely wind chime. It's a great material to use in recycling crafts.

Because fishing line is so strong, it is also a great option for hanging your crafts. Clear fishing line is especially great for hanging things "invisibly."

Is Fishing Line Stronger Than String?

In short, yes, fishing line is stronger than most string. However, it depends. In particular, it depends on the kind of fishing line and string you are talking about.

If you are looking for a particularly strong fishing line, buy one with a higher pound test. A pound test is a number that indicates how strong the line is.

So a fishing line with a pound test of eight indicates that line can withstand eight pounds of pressure before snapping.

10 pounds and under is usually best for crafting. If you want a stronger line for your project, be aware that the fishing line may be thicker at higher poundage.

Likewise, fishing line with a higher pound test may be harder to cut.

Further Reading

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